We provide woman-to-woman guidance with a certified divorce financial expert so you can confidently know, understand, and advocate for you and your children’s financial wellbeing.

Financial guidance and advocacy for women considering separation or divorce.

  • Gain clarity amidst chaos

  • Create an actionable path forward

  • Rebuild with peace and security

Many women feel stuck in unhealthy marriages, afraid that they won’t be able to survive and rebuild financially on their own.

After years spent investing attention and care on the family, it’s common for women to feel overwhelmed by the financial situation they could face if their marriage were to dissolve. It can feel like they have to choose between their own emotional health or the quality of life they desire for their home and children.

But what if you had an expert to help you determine a better financial path forward?

Gain financial clarity

Our proven process illuminates the financial situation in your home to highlight every opportunity for equitable division. You’ll walk away knowing exactly where your shared money is and where it’s going.

Create an action plan

With full knowledge of your shared resources, we will provide you with the options you have in moving forward. You can determine what is the right path to rebuild for you and your family.

Advocate with confidence

Empowered with financial clarity and a plan you trust, you will be provided with the documentation and support you need to confidently advocate for your family’s financial wellbeing.

Healing House Solutions was inspired by our own personal experiences and that of the courageous women we have walked alongside. We came to see that as a woman and mother you can’t afford to be in the dark about your financial situation. With our support, you will be quickly empowered with knowledge and guidance as you and our team advocate for the financial needs of your family.

We can help you get your financial house in order. 

Find the level of support you need.

Most Popular

Strategy Session

2 hours of strategic discovery and advising to assess your situation and help you create a plan to move forward with confidence.

• Pre-consultation preparation call

• In-person/virtual consultation

• Action based strategic plan

• Licensed referrals provided

Foundation Plan

Guided support designed to educate, empower, and encourage you while we do a comprehensive analysis of your financial and quality of life needs.

• 8 weeks of support

• Weekly consulting call

• Full financial analysis and court approved family law reports

• Mediation and attorney collaboration

• Spousal/child support evaluation

Custom Support

Custom consulting tailored to your specific needs.

• Coaching

• Mediation and attorney collaboration

• In-person advocacy

• Multiple scenario generation

• Spousal/child support evaluation

Here’s how to get started.

  • Schedule a discovery call.

  • Choose the right support for you.

  • Rebuild peace for your family.

At Healing House Solutions we know that, during your separation or divorce, you want to be empowered to make good financial choices.

It might feel like you’re stuck with no path out of your unhealthy marriage but we believe that you and your children deserve to rebuild a peaceful life after the dust settles. Having personal experience navigating divorce with financial disadvantages, we know how important it is to have clarity and support to make informed decisions. We’ve helped 95% of our clients retain or improve their quality of life, even after changing marital circumstances. We’re your trusted guide and will help you understand the financial path forward so that you can stop feeling hopeless and get to building a peaceful future for yourself and your children.

Has this difficult season left you feeling alone?

Grab our FREE download, Building Your Team - a guide to help you gather a trustworthy support system for yourself during separation and divorce.